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The Power of Energy Healing Pendants for Spiritual Protection

With today's fast pace, it's easy to get drained by all the stress and negativity around you. Energy healing pendants provide an easy yet deep way to protect your energy and bring balance to your life. Not only do these unique spiritual tools beautify your style, but they also support emotional and spiritual healing. What Are Energy Healing Pendants? Energy healing pendants are specially designed jewellery pieces that harvest the power of elements like crystals and stones and sometimes sacred symbols, too. Each of the pendants is handmade to resonate with your body's energy field, giving one healing benefits where one gets improvements in mental clarity, reduction in stress, or inner peace among others. Generally, the chosen crystals are: amethysts, jade stones, and clear quartz because of their certain healing properties attached to them. Spiritual protection  Pendants The power of these pendants lies beyond mere beauty. In spiritual traditions, one believes that a person...

Spiritual Healing Techniques To Heal The Body And Mind

There are many types of spiritual healers; some are specialized in diseases of the physical body, others in the healing of the bones, and some healers are able to perform healings of diseases that we would normally call "incurable," such as cerebral palsy, cancer, multiple sclerosis. But, is there what we call "disease"? Where, how does it originate?

Our body health system depends on something bigger than ourselves. If we connect our energy with our spirit, we recover the most authentic happiness.

The soul is not a subject only of poets. Doctors and scientists surrender to the evidence of the existence of that entity full of wisdom. Learning to connect the spirit with the body is the right way to achieve well-being and happiness.

1. Reiki

It is a practice created in 1922 by the Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui and adapted and developed by various masters of different traditions. The practitioners impose their hands on the person while concentrating on transferring "universal energy", which favors self-healing. There are already several public hospitals that include Reiki in oncological treatments and against discomfort in menopause.

2. Prayer and remote healing

The Lancet magazine published a study from Duke University Medical Center that tested the effectiveness of prayer and spiritual healing at a distance. The researchers asked that religious groups pray for the health of patients undergoing cardiac operations. The results indicated that there was an improvement of 40-60% in the health of the patients, with fewer complications and heart failure.

3. Meditation and visualization

It can be practiced alone or in a group. Relax, relativize habitual worries, reduce fear and anguish and, above all, increase the capacity for concentration, self-knowledge, and confidence in one's own intuition. Meditations that focus on positive emotions are especially effective.

4. Anthroposophic medicine

Based on the vision of man according to the philosopher Rudolf Steiner, who combined traditions of the East and the West. Understand that we are the result of the superposition of different bodies or dimensions: physical, emotional and etheric or spiritual. Spiritual evolution and health are related.

Through spiritual healing, we access a self-knowledge tool that will help us become aware of what happens to us, and will also help us, over time, to remember who we are and what we have come here to do. We are already what we want to be, and it is only when we remove the "desire" that we see it clearly. We can not be better, because we are already perfect. but we have forgotten it, entangled in the tangle of emotions, desire, and suffering.

When we go to receive healing, it is important that we know why we are going, maybe we still have no idea where to go, but even in this case we already know what we want: we seek discernment, we seek direction. It is important that we assume the responsibility of our own healing, of our own process, and that we never leave it in the hands of another person because that would be an illusion. There is only healing when there is understanding, and that is something that nobody can do for us. The result of this process is a progressive opening of the heart to unconditional love and inevitable expansion of consciousness, which will transform our relationships and our environment, and therefore, our world.
