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The Power of Energy Healing Pendants for Spiritual Protection

With today's fast pace, it's easy to get drained by all the stress and negativity around you. Energy healing pendants provide an easy yet deep way to protect your energy and bring balance to your life. Not only do these unique spiritual tools beautify your style, but they also support emotional and spiritual healing. What Are Energy Healing Pendants? Energy healing pendants are specially designed jewellery pieces that harvest the power of elements like crystals and stones and sometimes sacred symbols, too. Each of the pendants is handmade to resonate with your body's energy field, giving one healing benefits where one gets improvements in mental clarity, reduction in stress, or inner peace among others. Generally, the chosen crystals are: amethysts, jade stones, and clear quartz because of their certain healing properties attached to them. Spiritual protection  Pendants The power of these pendants lies beyond mere beauty. In spiritual traditions, one believes that a person...

How Can We Keep Our Chakra Healing And Balancing?

The chakras in Sanskrit, mean "wheel of light" or "vortex." The Vedas used this term to refer to our energy centers, which consist of psychic energy that moves in circles at different vibratory frequencies.

We all have the same chakras, which are affected by emotional, psychological or physical issues. (These centers connect with our nerves, hormones, and emotions). We have seven main chakras; each one has a polarity which is what we have to balance and work so that the energy flows and we manage to awaken those qualities that are in us but that we sometimes have blocked or asleep.

To keep chakra healing and balancing, you can use different energy therapies, such as reiki or universal energy, yoga, meditation, breathing, and tantra. All are ways of working your centers, which are connected to your vibrational frequency.

Gems, crystals and stones for the chakra healing and balancing:

Red is the color of the first chakra and, therefore, all the stones with that tone will help to strengthen it.

Healing your Chakras with crystals and stones is very simple. You just have to take them or have them with you. It can be in the form of a small jewel, ring or simply put in your pocket. The mere fact that these gems accompany you will influence your energies and you will be able to feel more balanced.
  •  Jade red 
  •  Ruby 
  •  Stone of blood 
  •  Hematite
Mantras for the chakra cleansing and balancing : The word blanket is of Hindu origin and encompasses a word or set of words that are repeated several times. There are many and they have different functions: to ward off bad thoughts, relaxation ... If you look at its name from its origin MAN means mind and TRA protection or liberation. In this way, we can understand the mantras as locutions that help us free our minds to make us grow.

Reserve five minutes a day to recite these mantras. You will achieve confidence, security and peace of mind
  • I'm here and I'm real. 
  • I feel my body as my home. 
  • I trust the wisdom of my body.
  • I am in balance.I trust my decisions. 
  • I am ready for simplicity and purity. 
  • I accept life with all my heart.
All the chakras are rarely balanced. It is necessary to pay close attention to areas where problems exist. This is an indication of what chakras you should work with to improve your life and your health. To balance your chakras you can use affirmations, mantras, ritual baths, crystals, yoga, reiki and other energetic practices.

Do not forget, unlock your chakras and keep your balance constantly!
